Sunday, December 28, 2008

Getting Ready For Church

Why is it so hard to get ready in time for church? I have no idea. You would think that it would be easier to get ready in time because you actually have help from the husband. But I am here to tell you that it is way harder. If I know I am getting the kids ready by myself I have no problem Being on time. When Trent is home I set myself up for disappointment every time because I expect his help and every time he is no help at all. This makes me so mad I can't even see straight. Does this happen to anybody else? I hate football season because I never get to watch anything I want. Plus if a game is on he does not speak unless he is yelling at the TV. It is like he is not even at home. I already don't see him enough and when I do he is glued to the TV. But I have a feeling I am not the only woman who becomes a single mom with the husband in the home during football season. Oh well I guess I should just be glad he likes football and not ice skating.


Jason and Tricia said...

I hear ya, man. As we speak, my husband is in watching football. I was taking a bath, and he was supposedly "watching the kids". I get out to find that Abbey had gotten half of the Christmas tree ornaments off the tree and scattered them all over the house. Nice. So, yah, I feel your pain.

Skye said...

Amen-sorry, but it's good to know that my husband is not the only idiot.

Mark and Jodi said...

jen!! you're kids are so cute! i haven't seen hudson before! he looks so much like your other kids. and i haven't seen harley or presley for so long! they're so big! i didn't know you had a blog... i'm adding you on mine. hope you don't care :) this is jodi, tricia's sister, by the way :)

dkjsmith said...

Jen I just wanted to say I love this post. I think it is great that you are willing to be honest and talk about real life it gets kinda old listening to everybody talk about how wonderful everything thing is. hats off to ya! And I totally know what you mean about football season. I couldn't have said it better myself.

Ty and Sun said...

Amen to that! When Ty is gone we are at least 5 minutes early for church every Sunday, and our ward is 30 minutes away and at 9; so that's saying something. But when Ty is home, Mr. Vain makes us at least 30 minutes late. The kids and I are always ready and waiting!