Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fun at the retirement home. Boo ya!

Us over at my parents having fun! The girls got to hand out candy and see
great grandma Spencer. They love going to grandparents houses! There is always
good food and lots of love!!! If the saying is true you grow up to look just like your mom
I am in luck. My mom is beautiful inside and out.
Trick or treating at my grandmas retirement home! They give out the best candy!
They were all worried about swine flue so we had to were masks! Cute little grannies!
Hudson hated me having a mask on. Every time I put it on he freaked out! Little baby!
Hudson was Dracula! He loved getting dressed and showing off! He is his daddies son!
What in the heck did Trent and I do to get girls that love cheer leading and princesses. You wouldn't think I like it but I do. I just remembered all the girls who were cheerleaders in jr high and high school had no problems getting dates! So bring it on.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Dance Recital

A few weeks ago Harlee and Preslie were in a dance recital. It was so darn funny! These pictures are funny. I wish I had a video of them both. I just loved their outfits. They both had been taking dance lessons from our neighbor all summer long and right before summer ended they had a recital. They both did so good. Preslie was in a class of three and she knew almost the whole dance. Even though it seems like she is not listening she really is. I laughed by butt off while she danced. The song they danced to was a gummy bear song. She loved dancing and in a million years I never thought my kids would love to dance. Trent hates that they love dancing and all cheerleader stuff, but I love it. I just hope they love even just one sport.
Harlee was in a class of like 5 and she was so cute. They danced to a Taylor Swift song and she loved it. She did such a great job dancing. Harlee and Preslie walk around the house singing her songs so I know Harlee loved dancing to them. Both girls ask me to play her CD all the time. It was fun to see what they both had learned all summer. I am glad that they both had so much fun.

First Day Of School

I can't believe that both my girls are in school. It is such a wonderful time in my life. What can I do for three hours twice a week when both Harlee and Preslie are in school? Whatever I want. Well almost, I still have Hudson home but he is usually taking a nap so lucky me. I can get a lot of cleaning done.
I absolutely love spending time with just Hudson. He is so funny. It is fun to just sit and watch him grow up and learn new things. Then when Harlee is in school and Pres is home she is a different girl. She is sweet and kind and listens to what I am teaching her. They are all so different one on one. Not like when Pres and Har are home together it is crazy. I bet there is as much yelling as there is laughing.
I know everyone says it a lot but they really do grow up fast! Enjoy them while they are young!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Fun At The Zoo!

Trent and I took the kids to the zoo a week ago and had a blast. I hate that the zoo has no hippos. They are my favorite animal. I have no idea why but I loves me some hippos. The funny guy in the picture is our neighbor Justyn. He is so funny. When ever we go somewhere and Trent can't go he is my backup Trent. haha. Him and his wife are so sweet to help with the crazy kiddos. The weather was so awesome the day we went. I think that is one reason it was so fun.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Harlee

Harlee I just wanted to tell you how much daddy and I love you! We are so proud of the girl you are becoming. You have such a special mission here on earth, and we are so lucky to be a part of it. We can't wait to see what comes next. Always remember to be kind to everyone and have GRACE in every situation.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Just some summer stuff.

This was a picture of Hudson after he fell down the stairs. It was so funny because once it scabbed up a little boy at church asked why he had beef jerky on his nose. It really looked like he did. The girls thought that was so funny they kept asking me to tell the story about the boy at church who said that funny thing about Hud. Silly girls.
Poor little guy had this scab for like two weeks. Just as it was getting ready to heal he went and fell again and scraped it even worse. Where do my kids get the clumsiness from? Not me!

Ever since my sister Emily has moved in this is what she does to my girls. She is so funny and the girls love it. But Pres has such thin hair the hairspray just can't quite hold in the poof and curl. But man she looks so cute for those five minutes.

Just a few cute pictures of the kids in daddy's clothes. They love dressing up in his clothes.

Sisters are the best! Who did they learn that pose from? I know Emily. My sister poses just like them. She always looks like she is modeling for a magazine. Work it girl.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Forever right?

It seems like forever since I have posted anything but here is why? Hudson Had surgery 4 days after his birthday and it has been a little crazy since. It took him about 3 weeks to really get back to my sweet little Hudson. Harlee had graduation from preschool and is now moving on to kindergarten. Wow does time fly of what! I know people say it a lot but it seems like just yesterday I had her. They grow up way to fast and don't even ask. Anyway here are a few pictures of the last month. Oh and Trent and I are playing soccer 4 night a week and softball one night a week. So forget about any free time in the evening to blog. Sorry! But we love!

This is the first time he sat up all by himself. Cute little sad man!
This is him laying in his bed. I was afraid to take him out. I didn't want to hurt him.

I hated to see him sit up but if he didn't get to he freaked and tried to sit up. That hurt him way more so I just let him do what ever he wanted.

This was him in the recovery room. I just sobbed when I saw him. He didn't look like the Hudson I was used to. He was so swollen and groggy. It just broke my heart to see him like that!

This was his bed he spent the whole day in. He wanted me to hold him but they wouldn't let me for the first few hours. I was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Just sit and watch him cry and not get to hold him and love him better. He just needed his mommy! Jerks!

This is a picture of the anesthesiologist taking him back to surgery. I hate that part. It is probably the worst part, well the second worst part. The worst part is the recovery room. They are so sad and groggy, it sucks.
This is him waiting to go to surgery. What a funny little dude. He loved standing on that
freaky little bed. He had no idea what was about to happen to him.
Here he is in the waiting room to get the green light on the surgery!
I love how they have so many fun toys in the waiting room. I think it is so mean to let them play and then take them away minutes later and cut them open. Sick people.
Just one last picture of us happy for one of the last times for a few weeks.
Okay so on a lighter note Harlee had graduation and it was so cute! Her pictures make me laugh. She was a Swiss girl in the play and had to hold hands with a boy. She laughed when ever anyone asked her about it. How crazy is it that I have a daughter that is 4 and sooo boy crazy. I guess it happened just like my mom always said "One day you are going to have a daughter just like you" Thanks a lot mom now I have tow. One that loves boys and one that needs Ritalin. Just kiddin. It is a good thing they are so darn cute and keep me laughing all the time! Plus they still love my hugs and kisses. I am just thankful I have a sweet little mamas boy to cuddle still. For now he is just my little love bug. Hopefully he stays that way. Here are a few pictures of her big day. Man she is cute!
Her and her Boy!

Pres being Pres. She always has a smile on her face. It makes you think she so sweet. She is, but when she smiles like that I know she is thinking about something crazy she can get into. Love that little thing.

This is Hud three days after surgery with grandpa Boyd. He was so sweet to come and see Har.

My mom and day also came and watched Har. They are always so good to come and support the grand kids. The kids are so lucky to have such amazing grandparents on both sides!

Me and my beautiful mom and sis. Thanks aunt Em and uncle Bri for coming. Har Loved it.

Har singing her songs with all her friends and sucking her thumb! I sure hope that stops some time soon. I am sure it won't but a mom can hope right? Anyways it was a fun day. Thanks everyone who came. We love you all.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Little Buddy

Today was Hudson's birthday and all my family got together to celebrate. It was awesome because we got to celebrate mothers day to. Man when he gets married he is going to hate sharing his birthday with his wife. Well maybe it will be great because he also gets a gift on mothers day. Anyways I just wanted to tell everyone thanks for the gifts and thanks for coming. We all are so lucky to have such a close family. The party was great. These are just a couple pictures of HUD opening his presents and eating his cake. He did much better this time with the cake. I also wanted to tell Hudson how much we love and adore him. I could not imagine my life without his special spirit. He was sent to us for a reason. My kids are my pride and joy and I thank my heavenly father for them every night. My husband ain't that bad either. I hope you had a great day. Cant wait for the years to come and watching you grow up. Love you so much.